Cruise along the bikeway your way
The bikeway is used by cyclists, runners and people taking a leisurely stroll. It is great way to get from here to there. Many commute to work, to school, and even to shop the Athens Farmers Market. Still others may be on the self-guided Brewed on the Bikeway tour. So come cruise the bikeway your way. It’s worth the trip.
Friends cross the bridge spanning the Hocking River on the Columbus Road extension that connects to the bikeway near Mile 5.5.
Plan your journey
Northbound? Southbound? Where can you start? What do you need to pack? There are some things you should know before riding the bikeway. Find some answers and information about parking, restrooms, fix-it stations, local food and more.
History of the bikeway
The 22-mile Hockhocking Adena Bikeway is named in honor of the first inhabitants of this southeastern Ohio region. “Hockhocking,” which means “bottleneck” or “twisted,” was the native Shawnee name for the Hocking River; “Adena” reflects the history of the Adena Indians who lived in the Hocking Valley more than 2,000 years ago.
The Bikeway Advisory Committee
Planning an event on the bikeway? Need to report an issue?
The Hockhocking Adena Bikeway Advisory Committee serves to collect data and inform the multiple jurisdictions responsible for maintaining the bikeway.